Posts in Photographer
Ep. 172 - Larry Chen

Automotive photographer Larry Chen joins us this week to share his immense passion of cars and capturing those special moments that he sees within them. We discuss his workaholic lifestyle and being obsessed to get the best shot possible with each opportunity he gets, as well as his drive to tell stories and capture memorable moments that resonate with his audience.

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Ep. 11 - Tim Tadder

Seasoned photographer Tim Tadder joins us to discuss his creative journey of how he found himself capturing photos of the world around him.  He has built an impressive career working with a multitude of high-profile clients, while also managing to devote quality time to family and personal time to keep his creative soul happy.

Tim shares his thoughts on keeping that work/life balance, being able to maintain a creative flow, and how to avoid getting caught in a destructive downward spiral.

Tim Tadder proudly leads by example, and welcomes the challenge of altering perceptions in our industry.

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